Dates 2025: October 5-11 Pia Wallberg (E-RYT 500) has worked with exercise and health for most of her life and has worked as a yoga teacher for two decades where she has a broad and deep education from meditation, medical, therapeutic, and more physical yoga. Pia is a dedicated rider and a pioneer...
Now you have the opportunity to book personal yoga and seat training with Pia Wallberg February 2-8 2025 - Pia has a long experience from working with riders at different levels and her system is aimed at making you a better horse rider. Her strength is finding your weak links and give y...
Join us on a group trip to France - Lot Valley. Tour leader: Nina Croft, horseXplore's contact person in Norway and active rider. Date: 28 May - 1 June 2025 Number of riders: Min. 4 and maximum 10.
Join us on a group trip to Greenland Tour leader: Riitta Kosonen, horseXplore's contact person in Finland and active rider. Date: 22 - 29 July 2025 Number of riders: Min. 4 and maximum 6.